Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sketchbook Dump

"Hero Prop"

Cg Environment done in my first semester of my junior year. Modeled in Maya; Textured and sculpted with a combination of both Mudbox and Adobe Photoshop.

"Lone Santa Hat"

Done in acrylic, one hour, on 11" x 8"

"Mud Bust"

Another still life done in acrylic, only slightly wider at about 10"x9"
An still life I did for a painting class; done in acrylics and I believe the original is about 11" X 8" or so. (give or take about an inch; again, not quite sure)

"An Egyptian Throwback"

We were asked to do a full 15 second animation for an entire semester. This of course is the final result. Enjoy.